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1.47 million
On the ethics of algorithmic decision-making in healthcare Grote, Thomas; Berens, Philipp 10.1136/medethics-2019-105586 Ethics of instantaneous contact tracing using mobile phone apps in the control of the COVID-19 pandemic Parker, Michael J.; Fraser, Christophe; Abeler-Dorner, Lucie; Bonsall, David 10.1136/medethics-2020-106314 Can you hear me?': communication, relationship and ethics in video-based telepsychiatric consultations Frittgen, Eva-Maria; Haltaufderheide, Joschka 10.1136/medethics-2021-107434 Healthcare Heroes': problems with media focus on heroism from healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Cox, Caitriona L. 10.1136/medethics-2020-106398 Passport to freedom? Immunity passports for COVID-19 Brown, Rebecca C. H.; Savulescu, Julian; Williams, Bridget; Wilkinson, Dominic 10.1136/medethics-2020-106365 Who is afraid of black box algorithms? On the epistemological and ethical basis of trust in medical AI Duran, Juan Manuel; Jongsma, Karin Rolanda 10.1136/medethics-2020-106820 Levels of stress in medical students due to COVID-19 O'Byrne, Lorcan; Gavin, Blanaid; Adamis, Dimitrios; Lim, You Xin; McNicholas, Fiona 10.1136/medethics-2020-107155 Best interests versus resource allocation: could COVID-19 cloud decision-making for the cognitively impaired? Parsons, Jordan A.; Johal, Harleen Kaur 10.1136/medethics-2020-106323 Should rare diseases get special treatment? Magalhaes, Monica 10.1136/medethics-2021-107691 Good reasons to vaccinate: mandatory or payment for risk? Savulescu, Julian 10.1136/medethics-2020-106821 The carnage of substandard research during the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for quality Bramstedt, Katrina A. 10.1136/medethics-2020-106494 Relational ethical approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic Jeffrey, David Ian 10.1136/medethics-2020-106264 Primer on an ethics of AI-based decision support systems in the clinic Braun, Matthias; Hummel, Patrik; Beck, Susanne; Dabrock, Peter 10.1136/medethics-2019-105860 What healthcare professionals owe us: why their duty to treat during a pandemic is contingent on personal protective equipment (PPE) Schuklenk, Udo 10.1136/medethics-2020-106278 The good, the bad and the ugly: pandemic priority decisions and triage Flaatten, Hans; Van Heerden, Vernon; Jung, Christian; Beil, Michael; Leaver, Susannah; Rhodes, Andrew; Guidet, Bertrand; DeLange, Dylan W. 10.1136/medethics-2020-106489 Four types of gender bias affecting women surgeons and their cumulative impact Hutchison, Katrina 10.1136/medethics-2019-105552 First prosecution of a Dutch doctor since the Euthanasia Act of 2002: what does the verdict mean? Asscher, Eva Constance Alida; van de Vathorst, Suzanne 10.1136/medethics-2019-105877 Social determinants of health and slippery slopes in assisted dying debates: lessons from Canada Downie, Jocelyn; Schuklenk, Udo 10.1136/medethics-2021-107493 What money can't buy: an argument against paying people to get vaccinated Jecker, Nancy S. 10.1136/medethics-2021-107235 Spoonful of honey or a gallon of vinegar? A conditional COVID-19 vaccination policy for front-line healthcare workers Bradfield, Owen M.; Giubilini, Alberto 10.1136/medethics-2020-107175